Frequent Mistakes Made When Brushing Your Teeth

2 August 2019
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Think you have been doing a great job when it comes to brushing your teeth? You may be surprised at how many things you are doing incorrectly. Brushing your teeth involves more than just moving the brush around in your mouth for a few minutes. Here are some common mistakes that are made when performing this routine oral health task.

Using Incorrect Motion

Many people assume that they should move the toothbrush in vertical or horizontal strokes that match the direction of their teeth, which the brush laying flush against the teeth to cover as much surface area as possible. This is the wrong way to move your toothbrush around since it does an inefficient job at cleaning your teeth. The trick is to angle the brush at 45 degrees so that the side of the brush is pointing toward the soft gum tissue. This allows the bristles of the brush to get into the gums and remove plaque and food particles.

Overlapping the toothbrush with your gums is key to cleaning your mouth since it's about more than having clean teeth. That motion on the gums also helps keep them healthy and fight off gum disease.

Not Brushing Long Enough

It's important that you brush your teeth for the proper amount of time. Don't make the mistake of trying to rush through brushing, which can result in barely covering all the surfaces of your teeth. Brush for at least two minutes each time you brush, and divide that time up by focusing on a quadrant of your mouth. After 30 seconds, you can move onto the next quadrant. This will help ensure that you are covering all areas equally, since you may otherwise brush for two minutes and completely neglect a portion of your mouth.

Using a Boring Toothbrush

Are you still using a manual toothbrush? You're missing out on all the benefits that an electric toothbrush can provide. Electric toothbrushes are not just a gimmick since they provide thousands of more strokes that you simply cannot do on your own. You'll notice that your teeth are cleaner, with the brush stimulates the gums and able to get food out between your teeth better. Flossing afterward can even result in removing less plaque because the electric toothbrush does such a good job.

Reach out to a clinic such as Milner Dentistry for more brushing tips. You may be surprised at what you can learn after all these years of incorrect brushing.