Did Your College Sports Experience Destroy Your Smile? 3 Ways Your Cosmetic Dentist Can Fix Your Teeth

3 July 2019
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


College sports offer students a great way to make new friends and possibly even get help funding their education. Whether you played football, volleyball, or another sport, you likely also had the opportunity to build your self-confidence and get a break from your academic stress when you were out on the field. Yet, the one thing you might not have thought about was that your college sports career might also have meant sacrificing your teeth. Unfortunately, you might have been so busy practicing and competing that you skimped on your oral hygiene, or you might have had dental traumas occur that were related to your sport. Either way, you can restore your smile by talking to your cosmetic dentist about these options for fixing common sports-related teeth problems.

Remove Stains With Teeth Whitening

Sports and energy drinks are often used by college students to stay alert during exams or when they are training for a major competition. Unfortunately, even the healthier sports drinks often contain dyes that can leave stain deposits on your teeth. You may also have tooth stains between your teeth if you skipped flossing or dental cleanings during this busy time in your life. Your dentist can use special teeth whitening treatments to remove these stains. In fact, you can sometimes lift years worth of stains in about the same amount of time as it takes you to take a lunch break.

Correct Minor Chips With Tooth Bonding

Over time, your teeth may have developed minor chips from being bumped by balls during a game. Football players are especially susceptible to minor chips, even when you wear a mouthguard. You might also have chips in your teeth if you engaged in competitive pursuits such as track and field where you might have sustained damage to the enamel during a fall. Dental bonding is one of the cosmetic dental services that you can request that uses a process that is similar to a filling to build up areas on your teeth that have minor damage.

Replace Lost or Severely Broken Teeth 

In some cases, you may have even lost your teeth during a major collision while you played sports. Although you might have blown off a broken or missing tooth that is not immediately noticeable in your smile, you may notice that your remaining teeth are starting to shift out of their places. Tooth replacement fills in the gap so that your other teeth stop moving out of alignment. Your cosmetic dentist can help you choose the best replacement option to blend into your smile.

For more information, contact a cosmetic dentist near you.