Mistakes To Avoid When You Have New Veneers

14 October 2018
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


If you have recently had new veneers placed on your teeth to improve the appearance of your smile, you may wonder if there is anything you should not do while taking care of them. If so, make sure you avoid making the following mistakes that could damage your new veneers and dull their appearance.

Brushing with a Whitening Toothpaste 

Before you received your veneers, you may have started using a whitening toothpaste to help improve the color and brightness of your teeth. Since you already use the toothpaste, you may feel that it would be safe to continue doing so.

However, the surfaces of your veneers are not as tough as your natural tooth enamel. While your enamel may be able to withstand the mild abrasiveness of the whitening toothpaste, the porcelain from which the veneers are made will scratch more easily.

Instead of using whitening toothpaste, select a regular toothpaste with fluoride that will not harm your veneers while still keeping your teeth healthy. If you do decide you would like to try to whiten your natural teeth, speak with your cosmetic dentist to see if there are any options available.

Using Your Teeth as Tools

In the past, you may have been in the habit of using your teeth as tools whenever you have trouble opening a package or even unscrewing a bottle cap. While this habit was never good for your teeth, continuing to use your teeth as tools can prove catastrophic for your veneers.

Because you have to apply extreme pressure when biting down on something to open it, the increased force could crack your veneers or even shatter them. If the veneers shatter, this could cause them to dislodge completely off of the underlying tooth, requiring that your dentist repair the damage and replace the veneer.

And, along with stopping the bad habit of using your mouth as a tool, you should also try to stop biting your fingernails or even chewing on the end of a pencil. Since all of these surfaces are hard and do not give much when you bite into them, continuing any of these habits puts you at risk of causing serious damage to your veneers.

Avoiding the above mistakes can help keep your new veneers free from damage and allow them to last a lot longer. If you have any questions about how to take care of your new veneers, seek personalized advice from your cosmetic dentist.