3 Simple Ways To Ease Dental Anxiety

31 May 2018
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


If you have avoided going to the dentist because of dental anxiety, you are not alone. Fortunately, most people feel much better after going to the dentist and often wonder why they were so afraid in the first place, since a dental visit can be surprisingly pleasant.

If you are apprehensive about visiting the dentist, there are a number of simple things you can do before and during your appointment that will help calm your nerves while in the chair. Here are three simple ways you can ease dental anxiety and how they can help even in the most extreme cases:

Wear Your Headphones

Listening to your favorite music while in the dental chair can help ease your anxiety in a couple of different ways. Music can put you in a good mood and can distract you from your fears. It can also encourage the release of "feel good" chemicals in your brain known as endorphins.

Not only can the release of endorphins help calm you, they may also play an important role in the reduction of pain. If you are fearful of dental sounds such as those made by the drill or dental instruments grating against your teeth, music can help drown out the sound. If you do not have headphones or forgot them at home, ask your dentist if he or she has a spare set. that you can use during your appointment.


Acupressure works similarly to acupuncture, except instead of using needles, acupressure refers to pressure placed on certain points on the body. For example, if you place pressure on a certain point on your inner wrist for a minute or so, anxiety may melt away.

This same pressure point can also help relieve nausea, which is also not uncommon during high states of anxiety. Pressing on other strategic points on your body may also help minimize the discomfort from a dental infection or tooth extraction.

While acupressure can help relieve anxiety, make sure you do your research on the technique. Placing pressure on certain parts of your body may do more harm than good. For example, if you depress or massage the sides of your neck, you may feel dizzy, lightheaded, or develop an irregular heartbeat because this where your carotid arteries are.

Talk It Out

Sometimes, simply talking about your dental anxiety can help allay your fears. Your dentist or hygienist will be happy to sit with you and discuss your concerns prior to your treatment. Getting reassurance from the staff can be the best anti-anxiety treatment of all.

Just knowing that your treatment will not be painful, that bleeding will be kept to a minimum, or that the dentist will stop the procedure when you raise your hand, may be enough to ease your mind, Also, fear of the unknown can also raise your anxiety level. When you are an informed patient, you will know what to expect and not be so apprehensive.

If you have a fear of receiving dental care, talk to the dental staff prior to your appointment. If you feel that you need more help, your primary physician can help recommend ways that will be effective in managing your stress levels. For more information, check out websites like http://www.accentdentalnwi.com/